Thursday, April 6, 2017

Sunday, April 2, 2017

कमलामाई नगरपालिका सिन्धुली // Kamalamai Municipality Sindhuli

कमलामाई नगरपालिका सिन्धुली // Kamalamai Municipality Sindhuli

Kamalamai सिन्धुलीमाडी is a municipality in Sindhuli District, in the Janakpur zone of central south Nepal. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census it had a population of 39,413 people in 9,304 households.The city is located in the Sindhuli Valley of central south Nepal. The historic symbol of the valley, Sindhuli Gadhi fort, is at the peak of a hill of the Mahabharata range. The city is in the plain valley made by the Kamla River. Kamalamai Municipality is the largest municipality of Nepal according to area.

New map of Nepal with seven state. New Map of Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal

New map of Nepal with seven state. 

 Schedule 4 of the new Constitution of Nepal, adopted on 20 September 2015, provides for the division of the country into seven Provinces. These provinces will be formed by grouping the existing districts. Two districts, however, are to be split between two provinces. Each district has local units, including four metropolises, 13 sub-metropolises, 246 municipal councils and 481 village councils. According to Article 295 , the provinces shall be named by 2/3 vote of the respective province's legislature.

Map of Nepal, Nepalese Federal State,Map of federal Nepal,  Political Map of Nepal, 7 state map of nepal,
7 federal states of nepal,
7 pradesh of nepal,
new constitution of nepal 2072,
provinces of nepal,
6 states of nepal,
road map of nepal,
federalism in nepal,
al Map and Satellite Image,Map of Nepal Districts,

Nepali Congress Flag.

Nepali Congress Flag. 

नेपाली काँग्रेस नेपालको एउटा समाजवादी-जनवादी राजनैतिक दल हो । यो दलको स्थापना सन् १९५० मा नेपाल राष्ट्रिय काँग्रेस र नेपाल प्रजातान्त्रिक काँग्रेसको एकिकरणबाट भएको थियो । हाल यो दलको सभापति शेरबहादुर देउवा हुन् ।
यो दलको युवा सँगठन नेपाल तरुण दल हो र विद्यार्थी संघ नेपाल विद्यार्थी संघ हो । दलले सन् १९९९को संसदीय निर्वाचनमा ३,२१४,७८६ मतले (३७.१७%, १११ क्षेत्रहरूमा) जितेको थियो । यो दल समाजवादी इन्टरनेसनलसँग आबद्ध छ ।

 The Nepali Congress  is a Nepalese political party. It was formed after the merger of two parties which were the Nepalese National Congress, led by the Koirala brothers, and the Nepalese Democratic Congress, which was led by Subarna Shamsher Rana. Nepali Congress led the 1950 Democratic Movement which successfully ended the Rana dynasty and allowed commoners to take part in the politics. It again led democratic movements in 1990 and 2006, in partnership with leftist forces, to end absolute monarchy and reinstate parliamentary democracy. With the 12-point agreement of November 21, 2006 it worked together with the CPN-UML and the CPN-Maoist to end King Gyanendra's takeover of the government. The ensuing 2006 movement successfully reinstated the parliament and led to the formation of the Federal Republic of Nepal. Nepali Congress promulgated the Federal Republic Constitution of Nepal-2072 by its leading role in Constitution Assembly as a first majority party.


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Koteshor Kalanki ring road construction.

koteshor kalanki road construction. ring road construction kathmandu, second ring road kathmandu, basu kshitiz, slow progress cartoon,highway cartoon, ring road news, chinese construction,

April Fool cartoon

April Fool cartoon, 

 nepali political cartoon, nepali cartoonist, election cartoon nepal,

 local level election 2017, basu kshitiz,cartoon of leader,